This usually happens when we don't have teacher. Haha Ang gulo!! :))
Monday, July 18, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
I Just HATE Him

I don’t want to name names to keep him safe, NO, I must say to KEEP ME SAFE! Ha-ha!
I hate the way he throws his so-called JOKE; I must say those were nonsense words from an insecure organism. He can’t even control his voice, my God. He’s talking to someone who’s just half a meter apart from him yet you may hear him as if they’re miles distant.
One moment I was thinking if ever he possesses good things with him, I was disappointed and I missed the mark (frankly). It makes me grin for I’m thinking that when God sowed nobleness on Earth he was numb asleep and amazingly awake when He showered unkindness.
How the heck he became the subject of this precious article? I just wish that he’ll be able to read this and hopefully his instinct can sense this is intended for him. I just hope that he’ll CHANGE; this is for his own good! If he did, even I’m not a Roman Catholic in religion, magpapamisa ako 1 week.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
First Meeting with APMI
Saturday - June 4, 2011, when we act like lead actors in a blockbuster action movie in which the episode was powerful, intense and was played in slow motion.
Saturday morning when I arrived at Arborvitae Plains Montessori, Inc. (APMI) for I was assigned in cooking along with co-teachers from Pasacao branch, in the evening all faculty and staff of APMI from difference branches will be around for the Acquaintance Part. It was announced that whoever will fail to attend shall have a fine of 500 pesos to be deducted in our 13th month pay; so expected, many were around.
Going back to morning, I stated that I was assigned in cooking but the raw foods were not yet brought at the school so we decided to just practice a dance presentation to be offered during the APMI Teachers’ Acquaintance Party. Then at 4:00 PM, we rode a pedicab to bring us at Daruanak View Park where the party will be held, we were also informed that the cooking site will be the resort itself. I’m with Teacher Fe, Teacher Lanie and Teacher Caresse in the pedicab.
Then the moment of truth arrived, the pedicab was entering the gate when it flipped and I was like a chick underneath the foot of a man as I was thrown at the bottom. I don’t know how and what reaction to give to my co-teachers and to the pedicab driver; in a moment I was like a statue that was made a decade already. I did not mind my body whether it hurts or not, what I was thinking was my bag and my pants; I did not bring an extra pants so I was really a mess since we flipped in a muddy road. To cut the story short, I had some bruises after the incident, my left shoulder was aching, my right arm that I used in supporting my body was swelling, and we were laughing with our lungs out, ha-ha. It was a situation that no one was expecting and we have to take note that it was my first day to be in that place; WHAT A WAY TO WELCOME A NEWCOMER, ha-ha.
Although that incident happened, I still enjoy the acquaintance party wherein we played our best and we won some games, we ate a lot even it was late for dinner and the plates lacked, and most importantly we met new friends and we laughed with each other with no pretensions. Truly, I never regret the moment I enrolled myself in the education department.
* * *
3 Days Service
As requirement by the APMI management, each teacher is required to render a 3-day service at each respective branch. Our Teacher in-Charge told us to be at school by Monday for the division of loads and finalization of schedules and advisory class. However, Monday morning I was at the office of Dr. Elizabeth L. Laynesa waiting their meeting to adjourn because I need her sign in my clearance for the release of my transcript of records that I need for employment and for filing at PRC for board exam. I waited a decade until they finished their business.
My plan was to travel after lunch but I decided to have it postponed since traveling from Pili to Pasacao will utilize one and a half hour of my afternoon, thus there’s no use being at APMI where I will just do nothing for the remaining time after my arrival. Moreover, I asked my eldest sister to buy me a bag at Natasha because I don’t have decent one and I still have to prepare the things that I’ll be bringing with me.
Tuesday morning around 8:00 A.M I was at the van terminal and the only passenger, after 15 minutes we departed the terminal. 9:00 A.M when I arrived at the school where teachers Kate, Caresse, Diane, Pat, and Fe were around.
That’s the start of everything; we planned the schedule of teachers, we decorated the APMI front liner’s bulletin, we restructured the classrooms assigned to us, and we prepared ourselves for the fast approaching start of the classes. APMI’s start of classes is actually a week late from the DepEd’s schedule of start of classes.
I’m still looking forward to something new with this situation I place myself into, I don’t assume everything will be alright for I might just get disappointed. I’ll just let things put themselves in their respective places and make me a better person.
I know that everything will not be that easy, teaching profession after all is not a walk in the park; I’m just hoping that at least I can overcome everything and achieve the end that I was hoping when I submitted my resume at APMI.
“All is well,” as what Rancho/Whangdu was always telling his friends in the movie 3 idiots, so I’ll just say to myself the same line, ALL IS WELL.
This is just the start, a meeting with APMI. :)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Breakdown: 7 Days Left
Classes will start next week at Arborvitae Plains Montessori, Inc. (APMI) where I was hired to teach secondary science subjects and some elementary computer subjects. We were instructed to report to our branches, Pasacao for me, to render 3 days service with pay. I was supposed to be there early this Monday morning but I decided to have my clearance signed by our dean. Luckily, I’m through with my clearance. I can now request for the release of my Transcript of Record.
Tomorrow morning, I’ll just travel early in the morning to do the first day of my service to APMI. :))
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
If you must say yes, say it with an open heart. If you must say no, say it with no fear.
One day I was browsing my Facebook page when in the news feed one entry says “If you must say yes, say it with an open heart. If you must day no, say it with no fear.” The page where the message came from was of Paulo Coelho’s. I didn’t focus on it at first but then when I read it again, there's something in it that makes me think. I don’t know what it was but it made me to pause for a moment and reflect.
Maybe the line strikes me because when I say yes, I totally just say it to stop arguments or discussions. Most of the time I say yes!
When I say NO, there’s really fear in it. I don’t know why but it seems it really has some. In the first place, when someone asks me a favor or has to do something without my will, I’ll do it because I don’t want to appear as bad person.
Whoa! I don’t know. Perhaps I need to just always remember this line.
5-day Orientation
May 30, 2011 – I went to the main campus of Arborvitae Plains Montessori, Inc. to submit my resume as suggested by my classmate Carla. I just brought my application letter and resume with me, nothing else at all. I underwent a short exam which was actually very easy; it was really intended for elementary students. There were 5 sets of exam with 12 items each set and it was organized from lowest to highest in terms of the level of difficulty. Part two of the exam was in an essay form with 5 questions. I remembered some of the questions: Are you physically and mentally ready to become a teacher? Five years from now, what is your ideal position? (Focus on the school and the salary) How would you describe yourself focusing on your strengths and weaknesses? Have you applied in other school before and where? How was your childhood day? There was it, I answered those five questions well I guess. Next I was instructed to go to the second floor for an interview which I guess was not really an interview. Teacher Ariel actually hired me already even I have not yet undergone training and have not yet deliver a demonstration teaching. I was informed of the benefits and all that maybe I need to know. After which he told me to attend the orientation program. That was just great! Hehehe
Something that Makes Me BUSY
From the time the LET review started, I’ve been learning a lot and I’m confident I’m going pass the exam. Nevertheless I feel missed; on the other hand I miss my classmates and friends. I have decided to enroll at the Ateneo de Naga University review center because of numerous reasons. In fact, the variance between the payment AdNU and CBSUA was only 500, that’s in my condition as my payment was just 4000 for the reason that physical science as major was not offered in the said review center.
At the orientation program, we were given schedules and informed that during the first 5 Saturdays the review will be for general education and major subjects for the first 5 Sundays. I am consistent in attending reviews during Saturdays but not on Sundays because I can’t digest all information the lecturers are giving us. Good on the first Sunday, biological science majors review the subject organic and inorganic chemistry which are both part of the subjects physical science majors need to review. On the second Sunday I managed to enter in the morning but decided to go home after lunch mainly because I can’t understand the lectures.
On that day, my parents and siblings went to Pasacao to join the swimming event sponsored by the children of Lola Rita for her birthday. I decided not to join them, I’m so bitter and kill joy (the way I describe myself).
So much for that, here comes the third Sunday and I decided to not go to AdNU, instead appear at the review held at CBSUA. I was not worried if the lecturer might notice that I’m not enrolled in the review center, anyway I was a graduate of the school. I was hoping that the lecturer will be a science major but it was a great disappointment when Mrs. Huerno entered the hall.
My friends never fail to make me smile the moment they saw me it’s as if they’ve seen a ghost coming into life. It’s because they knew I enrolled in another review center and they expect me to not be there.
Anyhow, I did focus half of my mind to the lecture and half to my friends, I just missed them. That same day, my classmate Carla told me that the school she was hired is still in need of one teacher in computer and she asked me if I’m willing to submit a resume which I said I would. I was just happy, too many things happened in just one day.
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