“You are different; you’re not any longer matching your
earlier personality.” That’s the note I received from a pip-squeak. My initial reaction
was to sense oppugned in my nut, and asks WTF? I can’t figure how someone chock-a-block
of him would bestow ditto. I ne’er changed, that was my judgment.
I keep hearing my support
system and social groups that it is 2014; it is a requisite to disremember the
past and endure what contemporary transports. Yes, I suppose they have a point
inasmuch as New Year means beginning de novo and overlooking the evil stumbled
upon last year. It also means disremembering those who has done a little off
beam to us.
But the badly-behaved I predict
is I. Since my fresh-faced existences, it’s tough for me to forgive and forget,
difficult but I still cope by some means. What normally transpires when I do?
The bond is not like it did previously. A scratch is mete out and it’s arduous
to get rid of it.
Past is history and let
bygone be bygone. Tag additional excerpts human beings have held about
forgetting the past. But no one can refute that there is veracity in this cliché:
we can always forgive, but we can never forget.
The reference saying I’ve changed
is factual, but only to some people. I stopped conversing, I avoided contact, and
I don’t reply to texts, I don’t give a damn. Why I’m doing this? Simple! I
don’t want them to do identical exploit once more. I’m merely saving myself
from suffering equivalent hoary dejected melody o'er.
Now, I’m the one who’s viewed
wicked to other folks’ discernments. Why I cannot certainly act the manner I reason?
Why people continuously misconstrue my whereabouts? Why am I constantly the one
who’s in the wrong? I act properly and general public would critic, act gravely
and general public would swearword.
I exist in a realm somewhere
creatures are perfect-chasers. I cannot offer them what they want; I can only
give them my best. No more, no less.
And if changing is bad,
from now on, my comeback would be: I DON’T CARE.
I cannot gratify all and
sundry; there are those who are so stalwart to consider that they can force
others to look after their desires. And if general public call me horrible for
not following them, well I embrace the title and pompously brace it.