Saturday, August 18, 2012

Snake Hunting

Even before the release of my assignment order, the document that would suggest I am already a regular permanent teacher; I was already designated as YES-O Coordinator being a Science teacher. As part of it, I was assigned to take care and to improve the Science Laboratory where Chemistry and Physics classes conduct their experiments. Both subjects are handled by me.

The laboratory was previously maintained by the school’s former Officer-in-Charge who is now deployed in another school. When she turns over the laboratory to me, she guided me with the things I need to do and informed me of some of the materials which are not familiar to me. She also suggests that I take extra care in cleaning the laboratory for it was used as a place to collect materials to be repaired and some that are condemnable already.

The laboratory has survived many calamities already; it stands for more than 25 years now. But lo and behold, the apparatuses and chemicals share the same years. It is because of the location of the school that made it difficult to bring laboratory materials. There are a number of tables, chairs, cabinets and it’s actually wide so it is a good venue for experiments to note that there are also many students who will be moving and working.

I was instructed by the new TIC to clean and to fix the room but I have reasons not to make immediate actions since the comfort rooms inside the room was used to place junk materials. I am afraid there are snakes hibernating inside the comfort rooms. I don’t want to risk students’ safety in cleaning so I look for a snake hunter. Whether a snake will be found or none, I will pay for his service. I know that it is right to take cautions.

The hunting and cleaning of room took place on the first Sunday of August, 8 weeks after the start of regular classes. It took me too long to the order, right?

There are plenty of junks inside the room but I cannot command the students to throw them away or burn them inasmuch as there was no order yet from the property custodian. So I let the topsy-turvy state of the laboratory as it is until the order of the custodian was given. Anyhow, there was no snake found; now I can relax for the safety of students. I am also secured.

After the hunting, since there are third year students around, I asked them to start designing the bulletin board of the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O). Alongside with working is music serenading us to remove the boredom and laziness, ha-ha.

It was a fine Sunday, a PRODUCTIVE SUNDAY for me.

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